# examples/04-diffusion2d.jl
using MPI, MPIHaloArrays
using Plots
const comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
const rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
const nprocs = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
const root = 0 # root rank
"""Establish the initial conditions, e.g. place a high temp rectangle in the center"""
function initialize!(x, y, T_0, T_c)
T = zeros(length(x), length(y))
fill!(T, T_0)
dx0 = 0.2 # size of the central region
dy0 = 0.3 # size of the central region
for j in 1:length(y)
for i in 1:length(x)
if -dx0 < x[i] < dx0 && -dy0 < y[j] < dy0
T[i, j] = T_c
return T
"""Perform 2D heat diffusion"""
function diffusion!(T, T_new, α, dt, dx, dy)
ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi = local_domain_indices(T)
for j in jlo:jhi
for i in ilo:ihi
T_new[i, j] = T[i, j] + α * dt * ((T[i-1, j] - 2 * T[i, j] + T[i+1, j]) / dx^2 +
(T[i, j-1] - 2 * T[i, j] + T[i, j+1]) / dy^2)
function plot_temp(T, iter; root = 0)
T_result = gatherglobal(T; root = root)
if rank == root
println("Plotting t$(iter).png")
p1 = contour(T_result, fill = true, color = :viridis, aspect_ratio = :equal)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial conditions
dx = 0.01; dy = 0.01; # grid spacing
α = 0.1 # thermal diffusivity
dt = dx^2 * dy^2 / (2.0 * α * (dx^2 + dy^2)) # stable time step
x = -1:dx:1 |> collect # x grid
y = -2:dy:2 |> collect # y grid
T_0 = 100.0 # initial temperature
T_c = 200.0 # temperature at the center hot region
# Initialize the temperature field
T_global = initialize!(x, y, T_0, T_c)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Parallel topology construction
nhalo = 1 # only a stencil of 5 cells is needed, so 1 halo cell is sufficient
@assert nprocs == 4 "This example is designed with 4 processes,
but can be changed in the topology construction..."
topology = CartesianTopology(comm, [2,2], [true, true]) # periodic boundary conditions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot initial conditions
if rank == root
println("Plotting initial conditions")
p1 = contour(T_global, fill = true, color = :viridis, aspect_ratio = :equal)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Distribute the work to each process, e.g. domain decomposition
Tⁿ = scatterglobal(T_global, root, nhalo, topology;
do_corners = false) # the 5-cell stencil doesn't use corner info,
# so this saves communication time
Tⁿ⁺¹ = deepcopy(Tⁿ) # T at the next timestep
niter = 500
plot_interval = 50
info_interval = 10
plot_temp(Tⁿ, 0) # Plot initial conditions
# Time loop
for iter in 1:niter
if rank == root && iter % info_interval == 0 println("Iteration: $iter") end
if iter % plot_interval == 0 plot_temp(Tⁿ, iter) end
diffusion!(Tⁿ, Tⁿ⁺¹, α, dt, dx, dy)
Tⁿ.data .= Tⁿ⁺¹.data # update the next time-step
> mpiexecjl -n 4 julia examples/04-diffusion2d.jl
Plotting initial conditions
Plotting t0.png
Iteration: 10
Iteration: 20
Iteration: 30
Iteration: 40
Iteration: 50
Plotting t50.png
Iteration: 60
Iteration: 70
Iteration: 80
Iteration: 90
Iteration: 100
Plotting t100.png
Iteration: 110
Iteration: 120
Iteration: 130
Iteration: 140
Iteration: 150
Plotting t150.png
Iteration: 160
Iteration: 170
Iteration: 180
Iteration: 190
Iteration: 200
Plotting t200.png
Iteration: 210
Iteration: 220
Iteration: 230
Iteration: 240
Iteration: 250
Plotting t250.png
Iteration: 260
Iteration: 270
Iteration: 280
Iteration: 290
Iteration: 300
Plotting t300.png
Iteration: 310
Iteration: 320
Iteration: 330
Iteration: 340
Iteration: 350
Plotting t350.png
Iteration: 360
Iteration: 370
Iteration: 380
Iteration: 390
Iteration: 400
Plotting t400.png
Iteration: 410
Iteration: 420
Iteration: 430
Iteration: 440
Iteration: 450
Plotting t450.png
Iteration: 460
Iteration: 470
Iteration: 480
Iteration: 490
Iteration: 500
Plotting t500.png